sábado, 23 de junio de 2007


MAYRA FUSTER - Soltera de 52 años de edad, nacida en Tandil, su cabello castaño oscuro devenido con el tiempo a platinado. Su peinado generalmente es de bucles batidos y poco sedosos, de sonrisa instalada, poco bronceada y con un maquillaje importante, fuerte pero no ridículo. Anillos en sus manos, uñas en rojo fuerte y brazaletes en sus muñecas. Chaquetas de cuero y tacones. Su mirada subestima a aquellos que están fuera de su círculo pero no tanto a los que pertenecen a él.
Apasionada por el lujo, las joyas, el dinero, la gala, la fama, el glamour. Lo que queda de esto en el presente son sino vestigios de una vida de viajes y excesos de altura y con clase.
Rodeada de numerosas amigas, empresarias, artistas, estrellas (que ella misma crea) vive en un mundo de cócteles y verborragias con las cuales muestra muchas realidades. No solo habla de excesos porque sí, sino que en el trasfondo de sus “textos” hay un mensaje importante, éste estará claro para algunos y para otros no, lo importante de éste trasfondo es que siempre mantenga un segundo plano y solo cuando es evidente quedará expuesto, con esto, quiero resaltar la importancia del tono de su voz que va de susurros hasta gritos de admiración, nunca sobreactuados y con una leve risa, solo cuando es necesaria. Esto lo lleva como innato, pero esta claro que ahora, luego de años de vida relajadamente furiosa queda a la vista de una forma un tanto vulgar, como lo haría aquella mujer un tanto masculina al hablar aunque defendiendo su feminidad a muerte pudiendo mostrar su amor -incondicional- hacia sus mujeres, sus amigas, su entorno manteniendo una relación de reciprocidad.
Puedes hacer un clic aquí para visitar su sitio en la web.

Let me tell you about my country

A new scourge sweeps through Argentine ghettos: 'paco'

Abuse of the highly addictive cocaine byproduct 'paco' is causing officials to revamp drug laws.

BUENOS AIRES – To get it, Jerimias sold his shoes. Then he sold his clothes. Then he stole and sold his sister's clothes.
Finally, says his mother María Rosa González, a welfare mom of four, her bone-thin teenage son dismantled the refrigerator to sell aluminum parts in the streets of their Buenos Aires slum.
The paco sold here is a chemical byproduct, a leftover when Andean coca leaves are turned into a paste, then formulated into cocaine bound for US and European markets. Paco was once discarded as laboratory trash, says Dr. Ricardo Nadra, an Argentine government psychiatrist who works with paco addicts. But Argentina's devastating financial collapse in 2001 left the poorest even poorer, creating an impoverished demand for "cocaine's garbage," he says.
"People were broke and they couldn't afford to buy anything else," says Dr. Nadra, adding that drug dealers took the leftovers, which look like salt crystals, and added substances such as ground up glass as a filler in order to increase their profits. "Drug dealers could keep selling pure cocaine in Europe or the US but now they could sell paco in [Argentina's poorer neighborhoods]," he says.
By 2002, one man's trash had become a poorer man's drug of choice. Paco had made a social impact, sparking government concerns and even earning a reference in the US State Department's annual drug reports as "a relatively inexpensive and addictive drug similar to crack."
Because it's smoked rather than sniffed, and because of the physiological impact the confluence of chemical toxins have, experts like Dr. Roberto Baistrocchi, an Argentine pharmacologist who has studied the drug, say paco is exceedingly addictive and can cause lasting physical damage. "More than any other drug, paco is the most dangerous." says Nadra.
Last April, La Nacion, a leading newspaper here, quoted Claudio Mate, a ranking health official from Buenos Aires' provincial government, as saying that intense paco consumption can cause "cerebral death" in as little as six months.
Inexpensive high
Paco is cheap. It usually goes for about 30 cents a dose, enough for a powerful two-minute high. Jerimias was hooked from the first hit.
"I saw a guy using it and asked him to give me some," says Jerimias, who has gone three and a half months without the drug. "When I smoked it my body took control. I had to have it. I started selling everything I had."
Pablo Rafael Kodrec, director of a small Buenos Aires drug clinic where half of the 24 patients are paco addicts, says the drug's silver lining is its quick destruction, which makes patients seek help faster.
"It's not like cocaine or marijuana or ecstasy, where an addict can go for years without seeking help," he says. "They tend to come in quickly."
Like crack in 1980s America, paco has become a metaphor for societal problems.
Parroting a common refrain from experts interviewed for this story, Nadra says paco is fundamentally a social and economic issue. He says the roots of the growing scourge of paco are "social and spiritual dislocation" caused by an increase in poverty.
This is the reason why you can not walk safely to work or to enjoy your life without your boyfriend claiming you to stop writing and go outside to have a sun doze... so Good Bye!